Thursday, 21 May 2015

$(./ --compile) == 0

I have no errors during full-first-act scrpit compiling. Yaho-o...
Debug in procces. --ħomk

Wednesday, 13 May 2015

Fat-as-mom update


> Honestly, this is indecent, they’ve found a large group of followers that support them and wait for the smallest bit of news or at least some info about them being alive.

Sorry, bro(
Okay, at last we have the news, and a lot of them. Briefly: the text is done, the mod manager is done, the BG’s, CG’s and sprites are in progress.

Amply: text
We were absent for a long time due to idling writers. Specifically, we’ve easily done the beginning and the middle of the text, but the ending has become a pain in the ass. But the inspiration has found us and the text was born. All in all it’s not bad, kind of. Now it’s up for editors to do their job. Figuratively, we have the bones and during the editing we'll add some meat on it and it’ll be cool. And after that it’s artists’, composers’ and coders’ turn. — BlackJack

Phew. At this moment there are 226 955 symbols, a half of them is in the script format, a half is not. The text itself is smaller in volume, of course. Honestly, I am surprised by what’s been going on here. How long were we silent? For four months, I think. During the three of them I have been writing the last five pages of Rika's route, while the team was on idle. Three months were spent for five pages... though I am satisfied by what came out. I’m not sure about the others, but I really am. Mayakovsky was right about dull fish flopping about. — ħomk

Amply: arts
There was a tiny problem: one of our artists has been painting with a computer mouse since he had no alternative. So we’ve made an announcement in our groups in, and several wonderful people have funded the purchase of the graphics tablet we’ve sent to our artist.
Infinite thanks to:
  • Алексей Голубков
  • Андрей Парамонов
  • Антон Стародубцев
  • Николай Хикков
  • Рилос Дельмс
  • Семён Лебедев
Guys, really, we thank you heartily, our team tries it’s best to meet expectations, and in any case we'll mention you everywhere we can.

Amply: tech
First about this screenshot. Our mod mostly doesn’t alter original files; instead, players will choose which version to play. This method we can use thanks to our python-coder nini who’s made it, and it's cool, yahoo!
Technically, you can choose the new game to jump either to original imachine, or to our label. I think that it'll increase code’s flexbility: original Katawa has one group of files and the mod has the other.

As I’ve said before, we...okay, I decided to make mod manager for KS. To give myself some practice in the shell.
Manager is developed for linux. It's a GNU/GPL tar.gz-package; inside of it there’s a shell-script (#!/bin/bash). Dependencies: sed, tar, wget, perl-rename.

Windows porting is in progress, though whether it will be completed or not is a surprise.
Why .tar.gz? Because I couldn’t figure out .deb., and I couldn’t find the last package for .rpm. If someone wants to try that, then email
If someone wants to have fun and port it for Windows, email the address above.

What a mod manager can do
  • Install/remove
    • catspaw's mod
    • CGainmated1227's mod
    • music from Ajoura (it used to be attached to ru-lang, I have it separated from translation now, because the music’s size is several times larger than ru-lang files).
  • Install/remove
    • spanish language
    • french language
    • japanise language
    • russian language
  • Restore the original game
  • Analyze, what is installed/removed
  • Decompile all .rpyc files
  • Pack/unpack data.rpa

A somewhat muddled epilogue
We'll post more now, there'll be more updates. The team has finally gotten out of session and studies hustle and is beginning to rock. And we have a new, additional artist: RaiineRand.
P.S. BlackJack has presented me a trinket with the image of Emi, a first one in my whole life :3 I couldn't be more happy.