Monday, 8 June 2015

b4ks here

I would like to announce our mod manager for KatawaShoujo for linux, ver. 1.0.0.
  • Here’s the link for .tar.gz archive, that contains the script.
  • PKGBUILD for archlinux.
List of archived files: ~/.b4ks/b4ks.cfg /usr/bin/b4ks /usr/share/man/man1/b4ks.1.gz
Those who wish to rebuild it for other distributives – post your comments below or mail to and I'll publish the link to your work.

  1. rewrite manual from wry English to normal
  2. assemble .deb
  3. assemble .rpm
  4. finalize the processing of ways with the spaces
  5. add gnu-style keys
  6. write the function for correct KatawaShoujo deletion